Jumping Timelines with Ease (+Final ceremony of the year is tomorrow)

Hi friends!
Here's today's post, and a note that the final ceremony of the year is happening tomorrow!
Collapsing Timelines: Stepping into Your Power
A ceremony & energetic clearing for:
— Letting go of everything that does not serve you
— Energetically collapsing old timelines to receive what is next
— Calling in brand new realities of ease, flow, abundance, and more
— Stepping into your power and trusting the magic of your light
— Shifting from dimming your light & playing small to letting yourself shine
— Relaxing into deeper levels of surrender and faith in life
— Opening up to receive everything that is available to you now
A guided journey and energetic transmission for activating the embodiment of your light.
DATE: July 28 at 6am ET / 11am GMT+1 / 6pm AWST
45-min guided ceremony + 45-min Q&A
The recording will be emailed to all after, and it never expires!

When you walk in trust, change doesn’t feel as scary. You know you are guided and held. You know that every step, even the unexpected, is leading you to your highest expansion. You are not afraid of what you might lose by following your heart.
And so, you collapse timelines much more swiftly and efficiently, constantly expanding to open up to brand new realities.
It is the human that resists and fears change. And so, you feel stuck in the same cycles, suffocated by the things and ways of being that you are not ready to let go.
It is the soul that surfs the waves with ease. This reality is no longer exciting to you? Collapse it. Open up to what is next. This reality is feeling limiting? Collapse it. Expand into the space of limitlessness.
When you know your worth and connection to it all, you will no longer put up with situations or ways of being that are not in alignment with the truth of who you are.
You no longer have to choose to let them go — they simply dissolve from your experience, because you do not accept this frequency in your reality anymore.
Everything that is not a match to your frequency must dissolve.
Hold the highest frequency for yourself and the world, and your reality will shift to meet you.
Our final ceremony of the year is coming up TOMORROW!
This will be the LAST CEREMONY OF THE YEAR as I’m also collapsing old timelines and stepping into the new in this season of my life. I will also be pausing monthly subscriptions for all paid members of ashmipath.com from next month — which means you will still have access to the membership and all uploaded ceremonies and content, without being charged. I will email you before I resume subscriptions whenever I return with new videos and content for the membership.
Thank you to everyone who has journeyed with me in these ceremonies which I’ve done consistently every month for the last 2 years!! Together, we’ve laughed and cried, shifted monumental energies, found our way home to our hearts, felt the beauty and magic of the entire universe, and more.
This is not the end of spaces like this for potent energetic journeys and activations. I’m just following the nudges of my soul to take a leap of faith, get out of the usual routine/structures, and create spaciousness to receive what is next. On this journey, we go through many deaths and rebirths — and sometimes, this means even letting go of the things that have been working well for you. These ceremonies are so precious to my heart, but over time they have become my comfort zone and safety net — and I’m so excited to see what wants to come through when I leap into the unknown.
Full faith and surrender. This is how we open up to brand new realities.
In this ceremony, I’ll also share how I collapsed various timelines in my life and accelerated the momentum to open up brand new realities beyond anything I could foresee. The leap of faith, followed by the dance of surrender and doubt. Uncovering the inner fortitude to choose your soul, over all the fears and doubts, and why this is the surest path toward everything you dream of and more.
Written with love,