A Re-frame for Heavy Emotions, Fear, and Doubt

You are being called to let go of the negative stories you tell about yourself.
You can feel:
— sad
— lost
— lonely
— frustrated
— unmotivated
AND not make it mean that you are stuck, behind, alone, or not good enough.
Your emotions are valid. They can be felt and seen for what they are. But they do not need to come with a big story that you’re doing something wrong.
The most painful part of self-doubt is the story you tell about yourself when you feel it — not the doubt itself.
The most painful part of fear is the story you tell about yourself when you feel it — not the fear itself.
Get rid of these stories. They do not have to be true:
— I am stuck
— I am behind
— I am not doing enough
— I am not enough
— I don’t know what to do
— I will always be stuck
One day, you will get so tired of these stories, it will be easier to create a new story.
— I am doing it
— I am guided
— I am exactly where I’m meant to be
— I am enough
— I am following the nudges
— I have shifted so much
— I am shifting
— So much is happening beneath the surface
— I am enjoying where I am now
— I am grateful for everything I’m learning
— Looking back, it will all make sense
— It’s going to be even better than I can imagine
What if this heavy emotion is a sign you are shifting exactly what needs to be shifted?
Written with love,